papyrus vs internet

e-books n many others jst to name one help us save a lot of money xcept da downloadin n internet use cost which r very low to bother about...
but still i prefer da original papyrus books to read...
isnt the technology making everyone idle..right frm kids to oldies.
As indicated by a thousand researches that the obesity statistics are rising at an alarming rate especially in the kids, isnt it high time that some action must be taken so that the future earthizens remain more active..!! "Gizmo freaks", as they are rightly called, are addicted to internet, computers n electronic gadgets. They prefer playing all the sports on their gizmo rather playing them on field..wat a pity!!
A number of syndromes use them as their playing field....
Lets have a proper balance or else the gizmo side will drop down due to overweight...!!!


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